The turkey neck is actually a term that is associated with someone who’s aging. It literally refers to the appearance of their neck resembling that of a turkey’s: flaccid and loose.

Often overlooked because of how much attention we devote to what’s north of our neck, this oft-neglected area is one of the “aging hot spots”, and can be the most tell-tale sign of old age that you will rue to neglect.

Turkey neck, like all causes of sagging, is the result of the decreasing efficiency of collagen and elastin production of your body. Your neck muscles will start to weaken as your skin loses its elasticity.

Where makeup is still a viable option for any sagging issues with the face, there is no amount of makeup that can actually conceal the saggy skin around your neck.

This is why it’s high time you paid some, or maybe a lot of attention to your neck.


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(Tur)Key to Success

There are some simple exercises like the Forehead Push or Neck Lift that can help you to strengthen the neck muscles and firm up the skin around your neck.

What these neck exercises will do for you is postpone the aging of your neck area if done on its own. You will need to combine these exercises with more practical and topical solutions.

Other than the lack of collagen and elastin, your neck also has significantly lesser oil glands than your face, and might be drying and more susceptible to wrinkling and sagging.

Introduce a little retinol to your neck area to induce the production of collagen and elastin, and hydrate your skin at the same time with the Gold Oil Retinol.

Made of natural organic ingredients like coconut oil, rosehip and jojoba oil, application of this oil to your neck will plump up and brighten the skin, tighten it and reverse the effects of sagging.

For more advanced cases of skin sagging, the use of exercises and topical treatments might prove to be a little less efficient in getting desired results. This is when the “big guns” need to be called upon.


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Bringing in the Big Guns

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