Wake up, get ready, repeat. Even if your routine is simple and you’ve been at it for the longest time, it doesn’t mean you’re getting everything right. Unintentionally, some day-to-day habits of yours could actually be sabotaging your faces and making you less attractive! We seek our beauty experts who have seen it all to give us the lowdown on what skincare sins are women committing these days and what we should do instead to look our best.
Skin Sin 1: Getting a base tan

I cannot deny the fact that everyone looks better with a little bit of colour especially in summer. To highlight and enhance the curves of your well earned silhouette from the number of gym hours religiously clocked during the colder months of body hibernation, get a fake bake the Hollywood way. Forget about enduring the sweltering heat lying in the open under the sun and make self tanners and spray tanning booths your best summer allies. Many people still erroneously believe that acquiring a base tan from a tanning bed is a healthy and safe way to protect skin from sunburn while yourself suitably ‘coloured’. “Compared to direct sun exposure, indoors tanning devices are only able to provide protection equivalent to an SPF of less than 5, while subjecting you to roughly 12 times the exposure of UVA rays, the leading cause of skin aging” warns Dr Low Chai Ling, founder of SW1 Clinic. “Furthermore, with just a single indoor tanning session, you actually increased your chance of developing a form of skin cancer known as malignant melanoma by 20%!”
Read More: 5 Insta-Remedies to Keep Your Complexion in the Clear
Skin Skin #2: Scrubbing your acne away

There are several reasons that lead to breakouts and developing acne is not just a hygiene issue alone. Excessively cleansing with harsh soaps or overzealous scrubbing with exfoliating beads are not going to make the blemishes disappear overnight. On the contrary, just like picking and popping your zits, the physical trama cause more inflammation, with so much irritation that you won’t be able to use products or medications that might help clear the condition. Instead of attempting to scrub your pimple-prone skin into submission, wash it gently with a BHA containing cleanser which unclogs pores gently. Treat and calm down your angry skin with Flawless, a shine-control, matte-finish, oil-free gel that detoxifies troubled, blemished skins, leading them to clarity in no time. Sebum control microspheres keep skin refreshed and silky soft, while anti-acne ingredients including neomycin and lactic acid barricade skin from further comedomal assault and pimple outbreaks.
Try: Go gentle on inflammed acne instead. Try alternating I-Clear blue and LED Red light therapies to see a visible and sustained improvement in problem skins.
Read More: 5 Ways to Keep Your Eyes Looking Bigger
Skin Sin #3: Focusing only on your face

It’s a super common mistake unwittingly committed to put all our eggs in one basket. Many of us will not bat an eyelid when it comes to making investments to upkeep the appearance of our faces. However, we tend to pull back or ignore oft-neglected areas such as the undereyes, neck and hands, when these body parts actually bear the brunt of aging. These zones tend to appear worse for their age by default due to the thinner composition of the overlying skins with less collagen support to begin with, coupled with the constant contact with environmental insults by touch.
Try: To address the first signs of aging under the eyes that are a dead giveaway to one’s actual age, Revitalift, whether as a standalone treatment on part of the Eye Illuminator Program, Revitalift Undereyes is definitely the celebs’ preferred trick of the trade. The procedure is simple and fast. Tiny drops of pure hyaluronic acid are skilfully infused into the skin and distributed evenly throughout the treatment area via a series of microinjections. resuscitating tired-looking skin by restoring its physiological function and optimizing cellular activity. Improvements are apparent even after the first treatment, but a primary course of 3 to 6 sessions done at 3 to 4 weekly intervals is often recommended in order to build up your skin’s reserves for optimal bio-revitalization and longer-lasting results. Maintenance treatments are typically done between 2 to 4 times a year depending on your intrinsic aging, how well you take care of your skin, and the type of lifestyle you lead.
Read More: The Light Way to Staying Forever Young
Skin Sin #4: Taking your good genes for granted

Some of us are born lucky with good skin and went through puberty with nary a single zit in sight, while others are blessed with natural features in perfect proportions that’s what standard beauty benchmarks are called. However, bear in mind that no matter how gorgeous a flower is, it’ll not remain in full bloom forever. Another common skin blunder is to focus so much on improving our flaws, to the extent of neglecting or taking for granted our best facial features. Even the best of heirloom silvers will tarnish and become lacklustre with time, and maintenance is key to keep the admiration going.
Try: If you’re often praised for your silky hair or frequent experimentation with hairstyles and colours in a ‘Katy Perry way’, maintain the lushness and density of your crowning glory with Revage 670 Laser an FDA-approved low-level laser therapy that stimulates blood flow to hair follicles with it’s 30 laser diodes that rotate 180 degrees around the scalp. Blessed with a luminous complexion that often draws comparision to Fan Bing Bing or Kate Blanchett? Instead of being contented with your gift, bring out the best of it and keep it glowing with regular Illumi Facial. This award winning spa treat uses a hybrid of medical technology and natural ingredients to rejuvenate dull tired skin while maintaining the firmness of youth. Infra red light and restorative enzymes are the highlight of this multi-tasking facial treat that promises to firm up skin and improve complexion luminosity. A gentle cleansing is followed by a series of masks that deliver natural goodness of antioxidants such as green tea extract and vitamin A while painless pulses of infrared light are administered to boost skin’s elasticity and stimulate new collagen production. It ends off on a high note with a revitalizing vitamin C serum infusion via ultrasound waves to restore glow and radiance, keeping your God’s given asset in tip top form.
Read More: 5 Easy Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster
Skin Sin #5: Accumulating sleep debt

You won’t be getting the skin of your dreams anytime soon if you don’t regularly get enough sleep. Besides the development of dark eye rings which we’re all familiar with, it’s also during the resting hours when your skin does the bulk of its repair work, like creating new cells and mending or shedding old, damaged ones.
Without clocking a good amount of eye shut, repair and rejuvenating processes of the skin are interrupted adversely. Your skin also makes the most of any creams you apply at night as skincare products penetrate more deeply to yielding faster results of a more favorable outcome. There’s no hard-and-fast rule about how much beauty sleep you need, but based on a recent review of more than 5,000 studies, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends 7 to 8 a day.
Read More: The Insider’s Guide to Beauty Hacks for Glowing Skin