Melasma is one of the lesser-heard-of skin conditions, amongst the slew of many others that plague our face.

More common than generally perceived, Melasma is a tan or dark discoloration of the skin, in the form of brown or gray-brown patches that stand out from your base skin tone.

While its prominence pales in comparison to hyperpigmentation, rosacea and other facial flaws, Melasma can become very noticeable as it spreads throughout your body over time.


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Ladies, Beware

According to the statistics, Melasma seems to have a soft spot for the fairer sex, with significantly more women getting affected than men.

A common explanation for this skewed statistic seems to be the fact the hormonal imbalances can cause Melasma, on top on other factors like UV exposure. That means that women are susceptible to get these patches of dark brown when having their period, or during the course of pregnancy.

Melasma is something that creeps up on you stealthily, but its effects could be quite monumental if untreated. Imagine unsightly patches all over your face even makeup cannot conceal, further extending its unsightly grip all over the rest of your body.

Prevention is definitely better than cure, so before you realize you are an unfortunate bearer of that skin condition, here are 5 ways to prepare your body for it.


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Be Ready For The Sun

One of the leading causes of melasma that is actually within our control, apart from pregnancy and hormonal imbalances, is our skin’s exposure to the sun.

Stepping out into the sun without any form of sunscreen or sunblock means your skin is subjected to the merciless, skin-damaging UV rays of the sun.

Always be ready for the sunny onslaught with a trusty bottle of sunblock. A product like the Umbrella UV-Protection and Light Diffusion Cream would be perfect, as it provides an impenetrable aura around you, against the UV rays. Is waterproof and matt-based, and also doubles up like a makeup primer base.


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Proceed For Porcelain Skin

The dark spots that appear on your skin brought about by melasma are essentially skin pigments that are darker than the others.

Melasma is essentially a from of pigmentation, albeit on a different spectrum that other skin ailments like Rosacea.

While rosacea shows on the skin in a more pronounced manner in the form of red marks on rough skin, melasma is actually the harder to get rid of between the two.

Fortunately, due to the leaps and bounds made in aesthetical technology, stubborn skin problems like melasma are suddenly not so stubborn anymore.

Skincare packages like the Porcelain Skin Program are FDA-approved procedures that particularly target skin pigmentation, and carry superior skin whitening qualities.


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Laser Eraser

The advent of technology has slowly dissolved the stigma that comes with laser treatments.

Once thought to be too dangerous and in danger of burns to the treated area, many safety procedures have been locked in place, along with the use of anesthesia to ensure a virtually painless and completely safe procedure.

A program like the VBeam Perfecta is perfect, for those who don’t want melasma, to those who already suffer from it.

Boasting a whole list of alleviation to symptoms, from pigmentation to stretch marks, and even warts, the touch of the Vbeam Perfecta treatment might seem gentle on your skin, but its flaw-eliminating and skin-renewing effects are nothing but intense.


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