Before I try to get too smart and continue this very poor rhyme by talking about Humpty Dumpty, let’s get to the topic proper – cellulite.

Those dimpled, lumpy skin that make their unwelcome presence felt and seen are the bane of our existence. Cellulite affects a whopping 90% of women and 10% of men in their lifetime… regardless of body type.

You may be excited to flaunt your new svelte frame after losing those pounds, but still retire that slinky dress back into the closet, because cellulite.

Orange-peel skin, cottage-cheese skin, hail damage, the mattress phenomenon, however you may wish to call cellulite – it still sounds as bad as it looks.


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What Causes Cellulite?


There are a host of reasons linked to the cause of cellulite, but the scientifically substantiated cause appears to be the interaction of the connective tissue that likes beneath the skin, and the layer of fat right on top of it.

The connective tissues in women are lined vertically, and when the layer of fat interacts with the tissues, resulting in the wavy, lumpy appearance of cellulite.

Continuing in the vein of science, hormonal and genetic factors also determine the prevalence of cellulite on your body. Estrogen, insulin and thyroid are vital in the production of cellulite.

Decreasing estrogen levels in women approaching the age of menopause stunt the flow of blood to the connective tissues, resulting in lower collagen production, making cellulite more glaringly visible.

Dietary and lifestyle choices may also impact how much cellulite you’re packing. Increased intake of fat, sugar and salt will result in more production of cellulite.

If you’re a smoker and have a penchant for wearing tight clothing that restrict blood flow, expect to experience the “mattress phenomenon”.


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Fighting the ‘Lite


I’m going to be very straight with you on this: most of the hordes of home remedies that you read about removing cellulite on the internet are not exactly proven to completely obliterate the existence of cellulite.

There are of course some measures you can take to mildly diminish the appearance of cellulite.

Massaging the affected areas help to improve the blood flow, and might prevent the cellulite situation from worsening.

An increased intake of water is also an effective detoxifying and hydration solution, as liquids remove that toxins that can cause fat accumulation.

Retinol has been a staple for the nourishment and repair of the skin, and is one of the more efficient topical solutions for the treatment of cellulite.

The Gold Retinol Neck Oil might sound like it’s specifically meant for the neck, but one of the lesser-known facts of this product is that it can also be equally potent on cellulite-infected areas – don’t let that name fool you now.


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Convert Cellulite into Delight


The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) have since gotten in on the action of reviewing cellulite removal techniques, and have singled out a few treatments that have that have actually borne results.

Radiotherapy is one of the treatments out on the market that is proven to significantly diminish the appearance of cellulite.

Treatments like Thermage work to break down fat layers by introducing heat onto the affected areas, breaking down the fatty deposits and inducing the growth of collagen at the same time. The result? Firmer, tighter, and visibly smoother skin.

Another form of treatment requires the involvement of vitamins and hyaluronic acid, and the stimulation of acupoints.

Cellu-melt is a treatment dedicated to the elimination of cellulite, if you haven’t realized from the name by now.

A procedure that targets uneven texture and weakened dermal supports by way of collagen and elastin, your lumpy issues will not only be ironed out, your skin tone will also stand to benefit from Cellu-melt. They’ll even throw in a body masque to restore the hydration, softness and suppleness of your skin.


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