Ladies, have any of you ever had to nag at your partner to hurry up when getting ready to go out? Does he have a full-length mirror that even you don’t? Or maybe his eyebrows are more immaculately sculpted than yours?

The line between male and female vanity is getting blurrier by the day, as men start to develop a heightened sense of self-consciousness and start to pay added attention to how they look.

Gone are the days where you would complain to your girlfriends about how you wished your boyfriend is always in ‘berms and slippers like he just got out of bed’ wherever he goes.

It is better to lean into this reality, because your man is, after all, your arm candy. Now that there is more common ground between you and your partner, it’s time you introduced him to more ways to keep his skin silky smooth… or his pecs as perky as your boobs!

Heck, you guys may even make a date out of it!


Read more:  God Save the Queen! Of Skincare…Collagen!


The “Manscape” is Different Now

With men’s fashion these days costing as much (if not more) than women’s fashion these days, men need to step up their overall game, if they want to aptly represent their fine sense of fashion.

So it begins with a hush-hush ‘don’t tell anyone kind of “illumifacial” they go to because of their sudden breakouts and clogged pores. After the said facial, they will be recommended various products to maintain the condition of their complexion, from the day/night creams to even toners and cleansers.

YES, men have beauty routines they unknowingly fall into as well. It’s not the first time girlfriends have complained about how much longer their boyfriends take to get ready, or how these vain pots have more facial products than they do.

The landscape of beauty has truly changed, and everybody wants a piece of that pie. If you’re reading this as a male, there is absolutely no stigma or taboo about looking good anymore – go nuts on your skincare routine.


Read more: Trust Me, Injectables are No Longer Rejectables. Here is Why.


Same Same, But Different

Like women with their faces and make-up, hair is the men’s equivalent. With male pattern balding figures on the rise every year, their grooming routine has to start from the top, which is the scalp. Fortunately, there is a Hair Clinic that can see all your follicular needs.

Having already spoken about how men these days pay more attention to their faces, they are also very conscious about their bodies and how they look in their clothes these days.

This is where the difference comes in, where the body is concerned. Women are all about the boobs, ass, and flat tummy, but if there are abs, don’t mind if we do of course.

Men are all about the veins, the muscles, the pecs, and the abs. While both genders are working towards different goals when it comes to exercising, there are two common traits men and women share.

The first one? The mandatory gym selfie of course. I believe your Instagram feed should be peppered with dozens of gym selfies… let’s hope they do more than take pictures in the gym!

The second one is actually a program known as the Magnetic Muscle Sculpt, a leading-edge new kid on the block that gives you all the exercise your abs, butt (and for women pelvic muscles) needs… all while lying down in the comfort of a spa.

Harnessing the prowess of magnetic energy, this treatment tightens and contracts the muscles beneath, making them more prominent to the naked eye. One session is equivalent to an astonishing 20,000 sit-up at the highest intensity – not something mere mortals can achieve.

So here’s to all the men and women who know what’s up – beauty is fluid, and like love, it knows no gender, no color (except your favorite swatches of course), and no discrimination.

Looking good? It’s for everyone.


Read more: Here’s what you need to know before getting undereye fillers


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