Score! The guy you are interested in finally asked you out after months of online dating. Time to make the best impression for this date. But remember, don’t overdo it. Just gotta play it cool and casual. The last thing you want would be trying too hard till it’s being awkward.  

Here are some tips to make the best of your first date:

1) Dress to impress

While dolling yourself up does make a good impression, be sure to keep in mind the occasion that you will be going for. Essentially, it should be in line with your usual style that screams you.

To make sure that your skin is in tip-top condition, you can go for a quick fix or check out other facials that can make your skin glow.

2) Have some topics prepared beforehand

Wait, isn’t this spoiling the mood? Ironically, being prepared to a certain extent won’t hurt. At least, you won’t be going in blindly and find yourself fumbling. For starters, coming up with topics from both of your similar interests will break the ice from seeing each other for the first time. 

Keep in mind, it doesn’t necessarily have to stick to the plan. After all, you don’t want to become too stiff and rigid. Ask one or two prepared questions and see where the conversation will go. 

3) Be a listening ear

Communication is key! If you want this date to work, it takes two sides to clap. While it is great to express yourself, you have to make sure your date is part of the conversation as well. A fine balance in bouncing off each other’s topics is a great way to go. 

Be in the moment and hear out what your date has to say while adding your inputs when the conversation is flowing.

4) Just be yourself

Now, this is the most important tip! If you plan to try out together with this guy, you gotta test him out on whether he can accept you for who you are. We are all special in our unique ways and deep down inside, we just want to find someone who we can connect with, make you happy and be loved. And of course, vice versa. This way, it allows both of you to grow together as a whole while staying true to yourself. 

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